Who We Are

Mentor ME International programs teaches sound biblical principle, which are applied toward purpose, spiritual mentoring, health and wellness, self-identity, social graces, etiquette, physical and nutritional fitness, financial and time management and entrepreneurship.
Our goal is to provoke every man and woman, young and old, to do and accomplish more. We exist to help generations journey together through intentional relationships focused on Him, calling men and women to a higher vision, a more abundant life, and a deeper relationship with Christ.

Meet the Founder
Apostle Dr. Tina Edwards
Apostle Dr. Tina Edwards is the Founder & Sr. Pastor of New Dimensions Ministries International. She is an apostolic, prophetic voice to the nations. She is a woman chosen by God from her mother’s womb with an Anointing for the “End-Time” move of God, to administer Salvation, Healing, Deliverance and Empowerment to the people of God.
She along with her husband Apostle Malcom Edwards, Jr., are Apostolic Overseers for Pastors and Independent ministries in the Memphis, TN, MS, AR, FL and Texas and other areas as the Holy Spirit leads. She is a graduate of “Hour of the Prophet” school of ministry out of Dallas, TX and has received a Doctorate of Theology from Alpha & Omega International Assemblies, Los Banos, CA, a Doctorate of Divinity from Kingdom of Heaven University, Chicago, IL and a Doctorate of Philosophy & Divinity. She is the Founder and President of Tina Edwards Ministries, the President of KAPA University School of Ministry, Mentor ME Int’l. Mentoring Institute, Woman-2-Woman, and many more ministries as the vision the Lord gave her grows and expands.

It is walking through life together for a season, sharing wisdom, life experiences, and growing in your relationship with Christ.

Our Mission
To provide a global and international network of mentoring and training. Our goal is to develop open and honest Christ-centered relationships where people will feel united and connected to one another, while receiving spiritual guidance, support, love, encouragement and appreciation.

Our Vision
Mentor ME, Int’l seeks to provide a ministry of networking, empowerment, teaching training and equipping, through biblical teaching and wisdom and mentoring to help individuals fulfill their God-given purpose and destiny.